Sponsored by the Stanford Neuro-omics Initiative and the Wu Tsai Neurosciences Institute

WEEK 1: Transcriptomics

Contributed by Luo lab, Quake lab, Leskovec lab, and Wang lab.


Day 2:

“Choosing the Right Experimental Platform” by Dr. Hongjie Li. (20 min)

“From Cells in Wells to Count Tables” by Dr. Robert Jones. (22 min)

“From Count Tables to Cell Identity” by Dr. Alina Isakova. (25 min)


Day 3:

“Machine Learning for Single-Cell Transcriptomics” by Dr. Maria Brbic. (23 min)

“Data integration and Cross-Species Comparison” by Dr. Justus Kebschull. (22 min)

“Comparing Cell Types across Large Evolutionary Distance” by Prof. Bo Wang. (18 min)


WEEK 2: Proteomics

Contributed by Ting lab, Nolan lab, and Luo lab.

Slides and videos for proximity labeling also available at

Day 1:

“Proteomics and Proximity Labeling in Neuroscience“ by Prof. Alice Ting. (23 min)


Day 1:

“Mapping Dynamic Architecture of Tissues in Normality and Disease“ by Prof. Garry Nolan. (34 min)


Day 2:

“Design and Execution of Proximity Labeling Experiments“ by Dr. Tess Brannon. (60 min)


Day 3:

“Analysis of Proximity Labeling Data“ by Dr. Shuo Han. (72 min)